Tired of your lawn? Maybe it is time to rewild it! Modica Meadows is a new service which can easily flip your unused lawn into a wild flower meadow, and keep it looking beautiful with aftercare visits.

Our selection of meadows are installed and maintained all with the intention of increasing biodiversity, helping to sequester carbon and achieving a good look throughout the year.

Meadows have never been more popular – however they can be difficult to establish. Throwing wild flower seed onto a bare patch of ground and creating a beautiful flowering meadow is an attractive idea, but it doesn’t always lead to a good end result.

A long-term meadow needs good ground preparation, proper installation and then a program of steady aftercare. Following years of experience with meadow establishment Modica Meadows is now offering this complete package.


OUR MIXES - upfront planting and aftercare costs

Each of our horticultural mixes has been selected to provide long seasons of colour and interest. Click through to see our straight-forward pricing for installation and maintenance.


Get a breath of fresh seaside air with this vibrant and buzzing mix.

An immersive matrix of diverse plant shapes and exciting flower types

A classic mix of hay-meadow flower and grass species ideally suited to our native insects

Elevating your standard garden lawn into a rich wild flower meadow through careful maintenance


The case for meadows and ecological planting :

Firstly, meadows promote biodiversity. Unlike lawns, which are typically composed of a single grass species, our schemes boast a diverse array of wildflowers, grasses, and other plant species. This rich variety of vegetation provides habitat and food sources for a wide range of insects, birds and small mammals supporting a complex web of interactions among species and creating a sustainable environment for wildlife.

In terms of carbon sequestering, ecological plantings such as meadows can have a distinct advantage over lawns. The deep-rooted grasses and plants in meadows capture and store substantial amounts of carbon in the soil, helping to mitigate climate change. Meadows can act as carbon sinks, sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and preventing its release. Lawns, on the other hand, require regular mowing and maintenance, leading to a higher carbon footprint due to the use of lawnmowers and the associated emissions.

Lastly, Meadows offer a visually captivating landscape. With their vibrant colors, varied textures, and ever-changing displays of wildflowers throughout the seasons, these schemes provide a visually dynamic and appealing environment. Their natural beauty is not only pleasing to the eye but also evokes a sense of tranquility and harmony with nature. Lawns, in comparison, may offer a neat and uniform appearance, but they lack the captivating charm and diverse visual interest that meadows provide.





Design – After listening to you, and analysing the site we will suggest the best selection.

Installation – Our team of experienced landscapers quickly and neatly convert your lawn

Maintenance – Watch your biodiverse scheme develop as we take care of it




All of our fees are upfront (see the mix pages above) and simply based on square meterage - so the cost of a simple installation and year-one maintenance can be calculated just by measuring the garden. Get in touch for a free-of-charge initial visit where we can discuss which scheme might work best for you and your budget.